A short video on how to defeat YouTube shadow banning using the Filter option in the upper left corner of your search results. Click "Filter," then select "Upload date" or "View Count" instead of the default "Relevance" option in the upper right corner "Sort By" section. "Upload date" appears to display the search results ordered by upload date, from most recent to oldest. "View count" appears to display the search results ordered by number of views. This often works on June 17, 2021 (date of video). Sadly YouTube/Google will probably change this as the censorship and propaganda worsens in coming days or months. The shadow banning of videos with flu shot critic Peter Doshi, Ph.D. (Associate Professor at University of Maryland, Senior Editor of the British Medical Journal) is used as an example.
Peter Doshi on COVID Vaccine Tests at New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/opinion/covid-vaccine-coronavirus.html
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Short video on how perpetual COVID boosters were probably always the plan from the beginning. How pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer sell perpetual treatments by design and avoid cures.
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